Dr. Deepak Chopra
The Spontaneous Fulfillment of DesireThe Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire
Dr. Deepak Chopra, the preeminent authority on mind-body medicine and whole- human potential, discusses our own creations within the infinite Mind of God. Learn how we engage the spontaneous workings of the creative mind of the universe to harness the unlimited power of coincidence in manifesting our lives.
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Dr. Deepak Chopra Text Excerpt
So in this work, coincidence seems to be the key. But you mean it is a special way.
Dr. Deepak Chopra:
Actually I mean it in the way it should mean. The word itself “coincidence” means several incidences linked to each other. Coincidence. And the word also is synchronisity. Chronos means time, synchronistic means synchronized in time. The goal of this book is to explain in very clear scientific terms first, that the nature of the creative mind of the universe. If you want to call that mind God or Spirit or the infinite being. It doesn’t matter what you refer to it, but the nature of the creative mind of the universe is synchronistic . And when we experience a coincidence, we have for a moment glimpsed the infinite mind, the creative mind of the universe. And in fact all religious traditions talk about something called the state of grace. In the state of grace, God is supposedly eavesdropping on your internal dialog, listening to what you are saying. And not only listening to what you are saying but granting you this spontaneous fulfillment of your most cherished dreams and desires.
If you ask people who have accomplished extraordinary things in their life what the reason is , they will almost always say “I happened to be in the right place at the right time. Or I was lucky. Or God was looking after me. Or it was a series of strange coincidences.” What they are all talking about is the effortless spontaneity through which the un-manifest becomes the manifest.
Dr. Deepak Chopra:
Effortless and spontaneous. Effortless spontaneity through which the un-manifest becomes the manifest. Let’s examine just some very simple biological phenomenon, you know.
Dr. Deepak Chopra:
You start out as one single cell. That cell all it has to do is divide fifty times. That’s it! One becomes two becomes four becomes sixteen becomes 64. And, fifty replications, there are one hundred trillion cells. More than all the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. Each cell is already doing six trillion things per second, and each cell is instantly correlating and synchronizing it’s activity with all the other cells. Effortlessly. Spontaneously. A human body can think thoughts, play a piano, kill germs, remove toxins, regulate blood pressure, secrete hormones, and make a baby, all at the same time.
And while it does that, it tracks the movements of stars, because your biological rhythms are the symphony of the spheres.
It does all this very effortlessly and spontaneously. In fact, wherever you look in nature, you see that everything is synchronized with everything else, and it’s all coincidences.
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Times are chinagng for the better if I can get this online!
thanks for the great lnfo
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