Ron Kurtz

Body-Centered Psychotherapy

Body-Centered Psychotherapy

In Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method, Ron Kurtz  leads us on a liberating journey of mindfulness and awakened living. Enjoy this compassionate and compelling adventure with a master therapist.

Ron Kurtz Text Excerpt

Ron Kurtz
Body Centered Psychotherapy, as a genre, is a group of psychotherapies that are devoted to using the body as part of the process of psychological, emotional growth and don’t see them as separate.
Body is one of the main access routes. You can think of Tai Chi and dance, movement therapies, Feldenkrais. Those kind of therapies are part of that, but they don’t emphasize the psychological. The therapies take the body as part of the process and emphasize the psychological I call Body Centered Psychotherapies. Like Bioenergetics, Reikien work, Psycho Motor and Hakomi, the one I associate it with.

Tom Park
It sounds a bit different from main line establishment psychotherapy.

Ron Kurtz
You bet!

Tom Park
I got that right.

Ron Kurtz
Well, most main line psychotherapies, of course, come out of the old models of medicine. There’s a kind of authoritarian approach. There’s analysis and a diagnosis going on. And the doctor is thinking about you. He’s analyzing your problem, he’s thinking about you. And in most psychotherapies, he kind of talks back to you.

We do that, but we also use the body in many ways within that process. We’re accessing deeper states through the body, we’re touching the body, we’re in some cases we’re manipulating the body.

There is a whole branch of this method called Hakomi body work, which is a combination of deep tissue work , like Rolfing and psychotherapy. So we’re intervening in the body a lot. Where a typical sit down, talk it over psychotherapist doesn’t do that.

Tom Park
I get it. Hakomi, now that’s a very eclectic word. What is Hakomi?

Ron Kurtz
Hakomi is the result ….

Tom Park
That’s the meaning of….

Ron Kurtz
No, no. Hakomi is a Hopi Indian word that means “how do you stand in relation to these many realms.” It’s a wonderful word for working through the levels. And how do you stand in the physical, emotional, spiritual……

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